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For all new updates, please head over to my new website. You may want to avert your eyes from the following photos. This cave and tunnel set was to look as if the alien had dug it out with his claws. Our sculpting team employed some innovative foam cutting techniques with great results. In progress shot with a section of the foam being sealed with plaster. Knowing the comic book, I never thought Marvel would be able to pull off a live action THOR.
For all new updates, please head over to my new website. Thanks! Vartan is the main character in Fugitive Studios upcoming film East of Byzantium. Painted in a faux bronze finish.
Sunday, May 17, 2015. Was very fortunate to receive the Tester package from. Containing the latest discs set for release on May 22nd, Plasma AMP,. Neutron FIREBALL and the Fission PHOTON. Overstable is a fitting description for my arm strength. Thursday, April 23, 2015.
For all new updates, please head over to my new website. You may want to avert your eyes from the following photos. This cave and tunnel set was to look as if the alien had dug it out with his claws. Our sculpting team employed some innovative foam cutting techniques with great results. In progress shot with a section of the foam being sealed with plaster. Knowing the comic book, I never thought Marvel would be able to pull off a live action THOR.
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