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Just last week, I visited some college friends who have moved to Phoenix, AZ. Truth be told, they have invited me several times over the years to go and visit but I have always been wary of the hot temperatures in the city. But finally, after a couple of years of stalling, I visited Phoenix. The drive was a bit eventful. On the way to the city, my car brakes broke down so my first experience was really to find a shop that specializes in Phoenix Brake Repair. If you want to see a bird.
A blog about knitting and general tom-foolery. Wednesday, August 16, 2017. In Which I May Be A Hot Mess. I swear it was just a week or so ago when I posted last. I knitted a totally rocking sweater. Do I have a picture of it yet? Made a great shawl.
Family wise, job wise . Posted by One Happy Mama. Saturday, 8 March 2014. Posted by One Happy Mama.
The public blog of a private diarist. Friday, October 30, 2015. 99NZ from Spotlight, and works on both sewing machines and hand held needles. I would also recommend you read the instructions for how to work it from this Amazon reviewer, it helped me! Links to this post. Tuesday, October 7, 2014.
Thanks so much to everyone for their lovely comments on the new pattern, the Stripy Stashbuster Vest, I released yesterday. I drew the winners thanks to random. org and have already sent the patterns off to the winners on Ravelry.
A year ago this week I was preparing my baby for another major surgery. Lucky us! His left coronal suture, which had previously been repaired, has re-fused.
Friday, August 14, 2015. Orange Stuff and a Recipe. When I was growing up my mom always made the best food. Actually, she still makes the best food, but the difference is that I know a lot of her recipes now as well! Whenever we had any type of celebration, food was always at the center of it. Those flavors and those dishes give me such fond memories, and it is something that I have always wanted to give to my children as well. How can eating something that you once ate years ago remind you of so much? .
Sixteen separate garments to mix and match. My closet is happier for it. I tried to push through as quickly as I could, photographing in between torrential downpours. I picked it up at my local Joann after realizing how badly I wanted a wh.
Cold weather has finally reached the South! South Carolina had surprise snow and here in North Carolina we had a really chilly Halloween weekend. I am not a huge fan of the winter months, but it has been fun getting to wear all my warm hand knitted sweaters! I am thrilled to report that I finished my Kennedy sweater. The yarn is one of my tried and true favorites Plymouth worsted merino superwash.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013. A quick update of the fun we had yesterday. The kids were a bit scratchy as they settled into sharing and compromising but they got there. actually I went to work in the afternoon so I think they got there. Friday, 12 April 2013.
O přípravě kávy v kávovaru Rok Espresso Makeru. Příprava espresa pomocí Rok Espresso Maker. Chce to lásku, trpělivost a pohodu. Připrava kávy je rituálem a nálada při její přípravě je stejně tak důležitá jako správná teplota vody, namletí čestvé kávy nebo správný tlak vody na kávu. Je pro hračičky a jejich odměnou je dobrá káva.
Se vyrábí na předměstí města Osaka. Společnost má vlastní technologii na výrobu keramických mlecích kamenů, které dělají mlýnky jedinečnými svou přesností při mletí. Kromě kávomlýnků společnost vyrábí i krásné kořenky, struhadla, mlýnky na čaj, porcelánové konvičky na sójovou omáčku, atd. Všechny výrobky Porlex jsou nenápadné ale vnitřně krásné. Mlýnky na kávu jsou dva a liší se pouze velikostí. Ruční mlýnek na kávu Porlex Tall. Menší mlýnek na kávu, Porlex Mini,.
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