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A idéia surgiu em uma reunião de quatro amigos com interesses semelhantes, porém diversos. Então, surgiu o CULTURA DE QUATRO, que visa tratar desses assuntos de interesse comum, publicando-os para que mais pessoas possam ver, comentar e opinar. Basicamente o CULTURA DE QUATRO não tem regras. Irá tratar de teatro, cinema, literatura, música, gastronomia e outras formas de expressão humana que não as burocráticas e enfadonhas. Domingo, 22 de março de 2009. Sábado, 14 de março de 2009.
SETI WOW ALIEN CONTACT INDEX IDEA GIRL. Monday, 21 January 2013. Contact WOW SIGNAL SETI received from Aliens Mayas UFOS Kepler Planets Aug 15 1977. My Thoughts on the WOW Signal. Start 19 h 15 m 48 s. Stop 19 h 19 m 35s. Jan 6 2012 926 pm est. Jan 6 2012 8 49 pm est.
Monday, December 7, 2009. The importance of establishing good relations with customers. At home business opportunity to remind all businesses and entrepreneurs who are busy selling or serving customers without thinking about the relationship with the customer, may be useful. Who are our Customers? The question may be very simple. But try to convey such a simple question to some friends you? The answer to that question is actually a picture of how far we recognize our customers.
Organisasi berasal dari istilah Latin organum dan istilah Yunani organom yang berarti alat, anggota, bagian, atau badan. Organisasi adalah wadah dimana segenap alat tubuh tersusun dengan teratur, yang bergerak dan bekerja masing-masing sesuai dengan tugasnya.
Blog paling Semrawut , paling Ruwet . Permisi Agan dan Aganwati . ane buka lapak untuk jual Serum Vit.