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Outils concrets, actualisés et flexibles. Augmenter vos réussites professionnelles et atteindre vos objectifs. Stimuler le développement de votre entreprise. Multiplier votre rayonnement et votre clientèle. Perfectionner et actualiser vos connaissances. Accentuer votre efficacité et votre professionnalisme. Les personnes et les collectivités.
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Online learning to improve customer service, increase teamwork and help managers lead more effectively. com offers online access to 100 best-selling customer service, employee relations, leadership and communication training modules. This interactive eLearning platform has been validated by millions of learners around the world. The system is scalable and easy to implement.
Supporting Skills Development in the Service Industries. What is Nationally Recognised Training? Sport, Fitness and Recreation. Tourism, Travel and Hospitality. Wholesale, Retail and Personal Services. Continuous Improvement and Standards for Training Packages. Hairdressing and Beauty Services Training Package. Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package.
SA Hair and Beauty WHS Guide. Smart in Business Arts Project. Retail and Hospitality Indigenous Program Adelaide. SA Hair and Beauty WFD. Working with the Arts Industry Council of South Australia, this project involves an indepth skills.