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After 6 months of being in Japan, i finally feel that my life is going in the right direction. After feeling like shit in the first months, homesick, cultural shocked etc I ended up loving this place very much! Way too much actually And so little time until i go home in August.
Cerceii sunt realizati din clei polimeric in culori ce imita marmura roz si verde. Pretul este de 10 lei bucata. Cercei realizati din clei polimeric, pret 10 lei. Flori de gheata si maci. Cerceii sunt realizati din ceramica pictati cu acrilice si lacuiti pentru protectie si stralucire. Decoatiuni pentru pomul de Craciun.
Mi-am pangarit sufletul iubindu-l in acea seara. Sub o pătură de umbre. Oare este mai bine să te ascunzi decât să înfrunţi teama? Cobor treptele unei degradări continue, încerc să nu mă uit în urmă căci vreau să ajung pe cea din ultimă scară. Ruşinea-i mare, la fel de mare ca şi urâtele semne de pe mâinile mele. Durerea-i relativă, trece din perfuzie în sânge. De acolo direct în inimă.
Ce-am invatat vorbind in public. Asymp; Lasă un comentariu. Astazi m-am gandit sa impartasesc putin din experienta mea de vorbit in public, expunand cateva lectii pe care le-am invatat facand acest lucru, mai ales in ultimul an. Chiar daca nu sunt experta in asa ceva, cred ca lectiile pe care le voi scrie mai jos pot fi de folos celor care sunt la inceput in aceasta activitate. Prima data semnificativa cand am facut asta se intampla in 2011, in timpul. De cate o ora sau o o.
Nice girl, but I had a difficult time not making her look like John Belushi- v. A portrait of a little boy in charcoal- I was experimenting with a more minimalist style, playing around with depicting textures. Was a class assinment- not incredibly fond of it by I like some of the work I did in the face so I decided to put it in my scrapbook. Three more portaits I did in my art classes, at one time or another.
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Tuesday, March 20, 2012. How did we get here? My sweet little baby has quickly turned into a growing toddler with a wonderful personality all her own. Before I had you, I worried that I would not feel as connected to you because I would have two other active children to attend to. Yet, the moment I saw your face, the second I looked into your eyes, I knew you were mine and I fell absolutely, completely in love.
A few things from us. I have started a business! I make custom hair bows so check me out. Cam has been a great little model for me and asks to wear them again and again. She also likes to dress up. Sometimes I run out of ideas to keep my little ones busy.