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I travelled through the sands of time, experiencing and feeling. Experiencing and Feeling people around me and their feelings. Here are some thoughts on them and the bonds or barriers that exists between us all. Friday, January 01, 2010. Happy New Year 2010! Links to this post. Wednesday, December 30, 2009. Sometimes the surrounding influences the mood. Sometimes the mood influences the surrounding. Today being 30th December I am feeling Great! Am in a Great Mood! Why do we cry? .
I think readers will see that I am a confused man indeed, not knowing why I am here on the web, what I want from life, what I plan to post and tell here, and how to do all that. So in short I am confused and so this name to my blog. Wednesday, April 29, 2009. Saturday, December 13, 2008. Friday, December 29, 2006. Thursday, December 28, 2006. Why does one Blog? 2 The Rate Race.
Wednesday, 22 October 2008. My blog address has changed. Please click here to go to my new address. My blog address has changed.
I travelled through the sands of time, experiencing and feeling. Experiencing and Feeling people around me and their feelings. Here are some thoughts on them and the bonds or barriers that exists between us all. Friday, January 01, 2010. Happy New Year 2010! Links to this post. Wednesday, December 30, 2009. Sometimes the surrounding influences the mood. Sometimes the mood influences the surrounding. Today being 30th December I am feeling Great! Am in a Great Mood! Why do we cry? .
I think readers will see that I am a confused man indeed, not knowing why I am here on the web, what I want from life, what I plan to post and tell here, and how to do all that. So in short I am confused and so this name to my blog. Wednesday, April 29, 2009. Saturday, December 13, 2008. Friday, December 29, 2006. Thursday, December 28, 2006. Why does one Blog? 2 The Rate Race.
Please double-check that your email address is correct or. And much much more! Contain in.
V letošním roce se Severočeské doly Doly Bílina dočkaly již druhé ministerské návštěvy. června další člen vlády ČR ministr životního prostředí Richard Brabec. Setkání hornických měst a obcí ČR letos hostil Havířov. Již od roku 1997 se hornická města a obce České republiky pravidelně každoročně setkávají. Pomáháme - další konference STOP PRACH.