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Wednesday, May 6, 2009. The girls and I love playing Pet Society by Playfish. They strongarmed me into making Sweetie dolls with them. You can see how helpful it was! Home Depot, Chic. Sunday, April 19, 2009.
My favorite crafting tip is, basically, join as you go as much as possible.
Der Blog für eure Fotos. Leider habe ich es das Jahr über nicht geschafft, die Fortschrittsfotos von euch jeden Monat einzustellen, es war einfach zu viel Arbeit. Ich habe nicht mit so einer Resonnanz gerechnet. Aber alle vollendeten Stickereien werde ich auf jeden Fall hier zeigen. Dann stelle ich es auf meinen Blog. Ganz ganz lieben Dank an alle, die so fleißig mitgestickt haben. Und hier kommen die Fotos.
Monday, July 27, 2015. And apparently our world is falling apart - from acts of terror and just plain evil going on on our own soil, to atrocities overseas and even just over the border, the enemy is having a heyday with the innocent and the vulnerable. Not to mention the undermining of the family and the trashing of human life being blatantly flaunted in our legislation and government.
Bits and pieces of my quilting life. Friday, October 4, 2013. After a detour through the land of the American Girl doll, I am back to quilting a lot more. I mostly work on Project Linus quilts at home and have joined a big group called Quilts of Valor of Eastern Missouri where we quilt around frames. I hope this little cutie will appeal to a young horse lover. How about these cute dogs from the Fat Cat Patterns site. Sunday, March 10, 2013.
Friday, December 24, 2010. 2010 has been a busy and interesting year for me, but as always I had such fun and am grateful for every experience. As for me, as the.
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