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Rotary Youth Exchange to Kawachinagano, Osaka, Japan 2013-2014. Monday, May 26, 2014. The traditional Japanese inn that I lived in for two months had a hot spring. This was one of them with a great view of the river. My host dad is a flower arranging teacher. I got to sit in on one of his classes! Everyone put their money together and they rented out a dome for a couple hours. It must be a fantastic product.
Saturday, March 8, 2014. One Hundred and Eighty Down, One Hundred and Thirty To Go. Great news; I just returned from Venice. Bad news; I brought a nasty cold with me. 18th Birthday Party with friends from Tivoli.
The biggest goal of my exchange year has been fulfilled. It was light years harder to say goodbye to the Faroe Islands than it was to say goodbye to Minnesota. And then suddenly it was time to leave.
Certains sont des êtres maléfiques en guerre avec le bien.
My Journey Through Life and Mommyhood. I am watching my little girl sleep a lot these days. Inspired by our friends who just moved and are great with economizing space, we started by.
Thursday, October 18, 2012. Signet Pathfinder Club 2012 This page is curren.
Dagbók eilífðarstúdents sem býr í Reykjavík og þykir alltof gaman að prjóna en slugsar við rigerðasmíð! Föstudagur, janúar 02, 2015. Og svo ein frá fermingu Ylfu Rósar í maí. Fimmtudagur, júlí 03, 2014. Föstudagur, febrúar 03, 2012. Er að setja tappa í eyrun. Nei, ég meina það, þetta er ekkert grín. Það virkar smá, að minnsta kosti. Fimmtudagur, janúar 05, 2012.
Þriðjudagur, mars 24, 2009. Tilraunir, franska og tónleikar. Eftir tilraunirnar fór ég í frönsku og svo á tónleika með Animal Collective. Hughrifin sem tónlist þeirra kallaði fram voru margbreytileg og ég varð kát í hjarta. Hitti hressan írskan strák úr vinnunni og vin hans að loknum tónleikum og spjallaði aðeins við þá áður en ég þeysti heim í strætó. Laugardagur, mars 14, 2009. Fór heim úr vinnunni með Indie og The Guardian.