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阪急逆瀬川 金 日曜日 のみ 17時まで. 美容 阪神本線芦屋駅 男女アシスタント 技術者募集 パート可. アイリスト シェービング 女性 40歳位まで パート可 休み 時間応相談. 美容 御堂筋線長居駅 パート女性技術者募集 曜日 時間応相談.
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Sunday, July 13, 2008. The wheel and axle is a simple machine. The traditional form as recognised in 19th century textbooks is as shown in the image. This also shows the most widely recognised application, ie lifting water from a well. The form consists of a wheel that turns an axle and in turn a rope converts the rotational motion to linear motion for the purpose of lifting. The doorknobs is an example of the same form as the water well, the mechanism uses the axle as a pinion to withdraw the latch.