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John, Bethany, Max and Zach. Monday, May 7, 2012. These photos really capture how much fun these two are right now. We love them and they adore each other. Tell me which are your favorites. Tuesday, February 14, 2012. He really tries to cheese for the camera.
Every day holds the possibility of a miracle. Thursday, December 30, 2010. How Roberts craft gave me the best Christmas gift! Caution. there may be tears ahead! So this year Christmas was going to be a lot different than any other Christmas I have ever had. I have never had a Christmas without my kids at home and I knew that I may be in for a little bit of a rocky road through the holidays! I was dreading Christmas day more and more as it approached. So where did I find myself? .
Matt - Laura - Addy May - Brynlee Ann. Monday, March 9, 2015. This blog post is really fun for me. It recounts a really fun week in my life. But before we get there, here are some random pictures. Kolby introduced me to this. And Ritz are a magical vehicle for it. I cleaned out my night stand of bobby pins. This is how many there were. We started out the weekend by doing a live session in the SLC temple. Neither of us had ever done this. It was a really cool experience. Matt drove me through a new.
Monday, April 27, 2015. This has been our first spring in Texas and it has been a lot of fun. Some of the typical crazy weather, but still much nicer than our previous ones in Utah. Here are some of the highlights from the past couple months. One of the best parts of Maile getting older is seeing how much these two have with each other. I wish I could have gotten a video of thi.
The Wedding Day of May and Raymond. 我認識 May and Raymond 都差不多10年了, 今日能夠當上他們的婚禮攝影師真的很開心呢. 長路漫漫, 在這我衷心祝福佢地永結同心, 白頭到老. 每次都因為主要影 standard 的關係, 我都無機會影吓 snap. 主導的當然係 Jan 啦 而我就在旁邊的影呀影呀 hehe. 最近幾個月都很忙呢 相影左幾多, 不過就完全沒有時間去處理同update吓我呢個Blog, 不過總算過完 Christmas, 終於有少許時間給我打理吓我這個Blog了. 最近比較忙的呢, 沒有時間處理之前的相, 所以很久沒有 update 我個 blog lu, 現在送上幾張新的來呵. The Wedding Day of May and Raymond.
Ryan Levesque - Marketing Expert, Coach, Consultant.
Individual, Couples and Family Counseling. Are you currently at battle with yourself, your spouse, or struggling with your family, social or work relationships? Are you harboring depression, anxiety and stress, or guilt and shame? If the answer is yes, psychotherapy can help. If you or your relationships are suffering, the road ahead can become easier. you are not alone! Online, or to set up an initial session, call me. Ryan Lewis Counseling and Psychotherapy.
I am a Texas designer with a passion for using art and design as a highway to effective communication. ID, Print, Video. ID, Print, Video. ID, Print, Web. ID, Print, Web. In the summer of 2012 I gathered six artists together to play a game of telephone with their art. The game discussed communication in fine art, and the dynamics of artistic interpretation. SMALL PROJECTS and WORK IN PROGRESS.