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I have been told to write more. Write about everything she said, write a minimum of 3 pages a day, just write. I like to write but for some reason writing is a difficult exercise for me. I started a blog four years ago in the hope that being accountable to few readers will help me to keep up with my writing. For me it was a lost battle.
Homeschool Mom Blog with Free Printables, Curriculum, Preschool, and More! How to Teach Writing eCourse! March 18, 2018. Our Top Homeschool Spelling Curriculum Picks. Our Top Homeschool Science Curriculum Picks. February 2018 Sew Sampler Unboxing! March 1, 2018. March 2018 Monthly Meal Plan. Our Top Homeschool History Curriculum Picks.
Another WordPress theme by Evan Eckard. You can grab it here, or on the theme download page. Desktop Chaos WordPress theme available for download.
Love it! Smells like Christmas. And mulled wine, too. No, it turns out, and that was a terrible mistake, because mulled wine is more delicious than I can possibly explain, and makes winter bearable.
The Ultimate Guide to Field Trips in Canada. This post may contain affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosure policy. Or follow me on Pinterest.
Friday, May 18, 2012. php? Thursday, May 17, 2012. Monday, May 7, 2012. YOU DID IT AGAIN! YOU DID IT AGAIN! Sunday, April 29, 2012. Just over 1 week to go! My hope is to blog about our travels while we are there and keep everyone updated as to the progress. It is going to be an amazing trip I am sure! Thursday, February 23, 2012. They Asked Us To Help! .
Not the end but the road. following hard after God and holding on thru the crazy. Wednesday, April 15, 2015. Testing, testing, testing. Wednesday, October 30, 2013. Are you trusting in the Lord? Do you mean to live for Jesus, let the world say what it may? Have you lost your reputation? Because we fear that something very different may be said about us when we are not around.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010. For a referral from Ethiopia. Just frustration and anger and impatience and anxiety, ohhhhh. Add the 16 months to the 10 we waited in Zambia. Trying to keep positive and having a hard time lately. Posted by Our baby Zambia. Thursday, January 14, 2010. It is a strong number. A number that holds a lot of hope. Hope is a strong, powerful feeling. There are three primary colours.
Thursday, January 1, 2015. 2014 Highlights and the end of the blog. I find that I have less time to post, and as the girls are getting older, I have less information that I want out there. However, I will do a final update and some highlights from 2014. Joining Dad on a business trip to Calgary.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013. Happy 3rd Fetal Surgery Birthday Ruth! Posted by Sara Zimmerman. Thursday, November 29, 2012. Walk n Roll for the SBANT 2012! Thank you thank you thank you to everyone that donated, bought a shirt, or walked with us.
På bloggen vil jeg invitere indenfor i mit værksted, så der er mulighed for at kikke med på det jeg arbejder med - på væven, på strikkepindene, smykker eller hvad der nu ellers er gang i. Turen er kommet til Helle, min svigerdatter, som har givet nogle stikord til, hvad hun kunne tænke sig jeg strikker til hende. Ideen med udfordringen er, at pigerne skal skubbe lidt til mig i forhold til, hvad jeg plejer at lave. Det der kom ud a.
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