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A beautiful country waiting to be discovered. Old Traditional Romanian Folk Costumes. The Romanian traditional clothing has remained unchanged throughout history and can be traced back to the earliest times. Next you will see a variety of old photos showing women and men dressed in different traditional costumes. Is located in the northern part of Moldova. In a in the town of Gura Humorului. Named after the Great Saint George, is possibly the most famous church in Romania. The tablets were found in 1961 .
Romania Pitoreasca un proiect ce prezinta Romania in imagini si filme. Icoana Facatoare de Minuni a Maicii Domnului. Icoana Facatoare de Minuni a Maicii Domnului a fost inchupuita de mesterul Octavian Zmau din Roman in anul 1938 si adusa la Sfanta Manastire de Ieromonahul Iov Mazilu. Cat Manastirea Hadambu a fost inchisa, icoana a fost pastrata intr-o lada, in sfantul altar, si a fost scoasa la inchinare abia dupa Revolutie. Icoana Facatoare de minuni a.
Sunt asadar foarte tentata sa ma autoinvit in orasul meu preferat din Polonia. Romania - Polonia si retur. Miercuri, 19 mai 2010.
Romanian Lottery started out as a charity establishment. Tickets were sold through churches, small value prizes were distributed, and the rest of the funds were spent on charitable actions, helping those in need.