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Your art is like your grin; it delivers me. Saturday, 27 June 2009. The Dismemberment Plan - Change. There are times when you will not like the sound of my voice. There are days when a warm look from a strange face will make me forget my name. And you wonder why you never split this beat scene when a higher life awaits.
This is an open blog. it was created as a place for fucked up people to post the music they like as long as its free. net or just leave a comment. Monday, August 3, 2009. Yeah, im a lazy fuck.
The Hidden Archives of dar es Balat. Wednesday, May 23, 2012. Tape is up over at Worthless Recordings. Is a C-62 of guitar drones, feedback, and noise. Monday, May 14, 2012. A little late on this, but Sky Burial are releasing Where Four Rivers Flow on LP through Replenish Records. I have definitely been digging this a lot lately. Sunday, May 13, 2012. The Pyramids And Wraiths Collaboration. As an integral part, the 25 minute plus track we.
Saturday, September 5, 2009. Monday, August 24, 2009. So, this is still getting less use than Ratorhideout. After almost five months of waiting I finally got my hands on the fourth and final release by the Ashford-based sludge band, Bossk. The LP above has a couple tracks by label mates Rinoa on the flip side. They sound a lot better than they did on their MySpace page. Thursday, August 6, 2009.
With new releases from HOLLOW SUNSHINE. Check them out if you enjoy bands along the lines of ANCIENT SKY. Tapes in the online store Mosaic Tapes! And a new ROBOTIC EMPIRE. Label shirt as well! .
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MM Stefanos, Alexandria, Ägypten. T Carter, Oslo, Norwegen. Das Gesundheitssystem von Skandinavien, wo ich lebe, gehört zu den besten der Welt. Aber mit 77 Jahren wollte ich für die Behandlung meines Prostatakarzinoms den Chirurgen mit der meisten Erfahrung und der höchsten Erfolgsrate. Wir haben eine gute Nachrich.
Sexo después de una cirugía. Sobre el cáncer de vejiga. Iquest;Cómo se puede comenzar a expresar un agradecimiento que está más allá de las palabras? MM Stefanos, Alexandria, Egypt.
Il giorno 18 dicembre 2008 mi è stata realizzata una prostactomia robotica. Sono stato operato la mattina ed il giorno dopo sono potuto già tornare a casa. Le cicatrici erano limitate e durante la convalescenza non ho nessun tipo di infezione e non ho sofferto di nessun effetto collaterale. Riduce notevolmente perdita di sangue, dolore, periodo di convalesce.