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Saturday, April 04, 2009. I just wanted to share some of my memories of him with you so you can celebrate his life with me. Saturday, February 28, 2009. So Kristy tells me that I must update my Blog- since I started it a long time ago and than have done nothing with it. so now i am trying to figure out how to do this. She may have to come visit so she can train me. Wednesday, November 01, 2006.
Our family is forever! The happenings with our family. Monday, April 11, 2011. While my dad was here visiting for 10 days we took a little trip up to Mt Charleston. It was a lot of fun. A little cool because of the snow on the ground and the slight breeze, but we found a nice place to have a picnic and enjoy the beauty! This is a video that I made of the pictures we took. Tuesday, March 29, 2011. I am VERY excited about that! He still needs to work on the balance part, but he is getting closer everyday! .
Toko Safira Cipadu Jaya merupakan toko yang menjual beraneka ragam Selimut, Handuk dan Keset dengan harga murah dan terjangkau sesuai kualitas. Tersedia berbagai macam selimut baik polos maupun motif dengan karakter dewasa dan anak-anak. Jika anda merasa penasaran silahkan datang dan belanja di toko Safira di Pasar Cipadu Jaya. Selasa, 10 Maret 2009.
I am an easy going type of guy. Somehow unconventional, maybe a bit chary but I really love to be with people. When surging for a subject to meet with the locals always is a great experience. Photography is my passion, my obsession and my meditation all in one and I take my time. You can talk to the trees while sliding in the mud, wading in the river or jump two meters high because of an scary snake.
Varför tiden går så galet snabbt! Det var ju nyss början av sommaren och nu är vi plötsligt i slutet. blä! Sen så vet jag ju att jag är galet dålig på att uppdatera min sida så nu sitter jag faktiskt och funderar på om man inte ska ta och stänga ner bloggen, hinner ju liksom inte med längre. Fick sms idag av svärmor där stod det vad hon önskar sig i julklapp! Nej jag är lite bitter idag! Orkar inte skriva så mycket mer idag. Länkar till det här inlägget.
Chatty; full of trivial conversation. Wednesday, December 31, 2008. If you see each other, remember you had 2008 together. And remember that for better or for worse, we were 2E3 once.