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Friday, December 28, 2007. dia budeg! Hal yang hampir sama pernah saya alami, saat saya hamil kemaren. Pada usia kehamilan saya saat itu kurang lebih 5 bulan.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005. Ada buku yang cukup menarik untuk dibaca kaum orangtua, khususnya para ibu. Mangkanya mulutnya terbuka, dan gigitannya terlepas.
Maaf, situs masih dalam pengembangan. Jika Anda pemilik situs ini, Anda dapat mulai mengelola situs Anda dengan login ke Spanel. Untuk mengunggah file, menginstal aplikasi web, dsb. Atau, bacalah petunjuk memulai yang diberikan lewat email saat akun ini diaktivasi. Sorry, this website is still under construction. If you are the owner of this website, you can start managing your website by logging in to Spanel.
Friday, January 9, 2009. A Christian myth claims that when the Devil left the garden of Eden,garlic arose in his left footprint, and onion in the right. In europe, many culture look to garlic as protective amulet perhaps due to its reputation for preventing illness. In central Europe, garlic was believed to ward off evil spirits, werewolves and vampires. 5 Garlic Cloves, sliced thinly. 2 tbsp light olive oil. 2 bowls of cooked rice.
Kumpulan Resep Masakan Tradisional dan Modern di Indonesia. Senin, 19 September 2011. Ternyata Rendang menjadi urutan 11 masakan Terenak di dunia. Pemerintah Provinsi Sumatera Barat merasa bangga ternyata Rendang sebagai masakan khas minang menjadi urutan ke 11 masakan terenak di dunia. Resep Kue Bulan Kue tradisional Tionghoa.
A site that wants to share delicious Indonesian Recipes. Saturday, January 31, 2009. Indonesia as an archipelago country has many various delicious food recipes as well as the variety of its cultures and its people. Enjoy the genuine Indonesian food.
Punch Recipes is the refreshment diet recipe which delightful as a daily beverages . This Unique combination of Pineapple and Celery is well worth as sweet and little tangy taste for your healthy refreshing drink recipe . 2 cups celery, chopped. 2 cups fresh pineapple, cut into cubes. 1 In a blender, purée all ingredients till smooth. 2 Pour the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve, discarding the solids after pressing hard on them.