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Sunday, December 19, 2010. The concept of my mailer was the retirement of Sasquatch and is relocation to an elderly living community. Here is a photoshopped image I constructed of Sasquatch entertaining party guests and fellow residents. I did not learn much about InDesign other than its useful guides and layout options. How to Hide the Body. Here is an illustrator tutorial that.
Monday, December 6, 2010. Monday, November 22, 2010. Monday, September 20, 2010.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010. This was a good exercise on using the blend tool, and creating original lettering. I got a pretty cool effect. An Illustrator Snowman just in time for the holidays. I took the liberty of straying from the tutorial on this one to add a nice big smile and a hat.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010. The poem I did was Romance de La Luna by Federico García Lorca. Friday, April 30, 2010. Monday, April 19, 2010. My word for this project was cobra. I used a font called Charlemagne Std which looked somewhat harsh as is my visualization of a cobra. I also lengthened the C to turn it into a snake. Thursday, April 8, 2010. Monday, March 22, 2010. This is the hand I traced in pink using the pen tool.
Thursday, May 6, 2010. Saturday, May 1, 2010. Saturday, April 24, 2010. Water Music by Robert Creeley. The words are a beautiful music. The words bounce like in water. They look for a place. Wednesday, April 21, 2010. Sunday, April 11, 2010. Wednesday, April 7, 2010.
One day you finally knew. What you had to do, and you began. Though the voices around you. You felt the old tug. You knew what you had to do. At the very foundations- -. Enough, and a wild night,. And the road full of fallen. But little by little,. As you left their voices behind,. The stars began to burn.
Thursday, May 6, 2010. Wednesday, May 5, 2010. With a red can of gasoline. At a disturbing angle,. As his paws, the size. He is sick of dispensing. Warnings to the careless,. He is going to show them. How a professional does it. Monday, April 12, 2010.
Thursday, May 6, 2010. Wednesday, May 5, 2010. With a red can of gasoline. At a disturbing angle,. As his paws, the size. He is sick of dispensing. Warnings to the careless,. He is going to show them. How a professional does it. Monday, April 12, 2010.
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Póngase al día para potenciar y desarrollar el uso de bolsas no tejido. Pasa a ser un requisito fundamental en la toma de decisiones futuras debido a los diferentes planes nacionales que los países de la UNIÓN EUROPEA pusieron en marcha a partir de 2010 en su compromiso hacia un planeta sostenible.
La cima del mundo como tal no existe en la materia, existe en el plano mental el cual considero superior al plano material. Me refiero a que existen demasiadas cimas del mundo pero no una sola. En el plano mental, sí existe una sola cima del mundo, esta cima eres Tú.