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Outgrowing my diary, revolutionizing my ink-and-paper twin. Friday, October 2, 2009. Ibaba ko na lang kayo sa mataas na lugar. At ibinaba nya kami somewhere na hindi ko alam kung saan. Galing dun sa taxi driver.
Olivier Lemieux training trampoline wall Dralion Cirque du Soleil. Wednesday, October 14, 2009. Susan Boyle - Wild Horses.
CHAPTER FOURTEEN The Principles Applied to Longer Term Trading. CHAPTER ONE OF RICHARD D. For several years past I have applied the principles in this book to the forecasting of the swings of from 5 to 20 points. Results have been highly outstanding. For this reason I can recommend that the subject be studied with a view to the formation of a method of trading, especially adapted to t.
Next chapter of The Stock Market Barometer. CYCLES AND STOCK MARKET RECORDS.
Next chapter of The Science of Getting Rich. In writing this book I have sacrificed all other considerations to plainness and simplicity of style, so that all might understand. The plan of action laid down herein was deduced from the conclusions of philosophy.
THE WOMAN AND HER BONDS. Next chapter of Wall Street Stories. He ceased to pass the tape through his fingers, and turned quickly, almost apprehensively, for a woman s voice was not heard with pleasure at an hour of the day when distractions were undesirable. Ah, good morning, Mrs.
Uarr; Grab this Headline Animator. Mam nadzieje, że to oznacza możliwe dalsze wzrosty. Chociaż powiem szczerze, że oczekuję iż. Wykres świec heikin ashi, wygląda jak zwykły wykres świecowy, ale metoda obliczania świec heiken ashi jest inna od obliczania zwykłych świec japońskich.
Reminiscências de um Coração de Lobo. Espero que gostem! Obrigado a todos pela visita! O que isso tem a ver com o livro? .
Antonio Ochoa, tutor del área de gráfica de Arte Shock, en la evaluación final. Mostrando la pieza ante el jurado de Arte Shock. Búsqueda del espacio en desuso urbano. Una de las coladeras más viejas que he encontrado en la Cd. de México, de 1933.
Viernes, 22 de junio de 2012. Gracia Montes a Pedro Sierra. Recuerdos con perfume de flores granadinas. Se fue de Granada y del mundo. Alejarme del tumulto de los cementerios.
Pensamentos, desabafos, dúvidas, questões, ilusões, sonhos e outras Reminiscências. Domingo, 2 de fevereiro de 2014. Roteiro para 3 dias em Londres. Londres, como já frisei aqui em posts anteriores, é a minha cidade de eleição. Para quem gosta de tempo nublado, muita cultura, ambiente metropolitano misturado com natureza, esta é a cidade ideal. Para ajudar uma amiga que vai pela primeira vez a este pequeno paraíso urbano, vou deixar aqui uma lista de locais que não pode deixar de visitar.