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Fotografies de persones del club. Sponsored by Free Web Hosting.
Què et sembla el Torneig? Vols jugar a futbol sala al FS Ràpid Santa Coloma? Pre-benjamí, benjamí i aleví. De 6 a 7 de la tarda. De 7 a 8 de la tarda. De 8 a 9 de la tarda. Dimarts i dijous al Poliesportiu Bastida. Meteorología en Santa Coloma de Gramenet. Fes click aquí per a veure com arribar.
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Sponsored by Free Web Hosting.
Sponsored by Free Web Hosting.
Sponsored by Free Web Hosting.
Sponsored by Free Web Hosting.
Sponsored by Free Web Hosting.
Raül Esteban Iglesias, ens parla de com està veient el Torneig Ciutat Santa Coloma. Els entrenadors del FS Ràpid Santa Coloma ens parlen de com estan veient el torneig.
Sponsored by Free Web Hosting.
Raül Esteban Iglesias, ens parla de com està veient el Torneig Ciutat Santa Coloma. Els entrenadors del FS Ràpid Santa Coloma ens parlen de com estan veient el torneig.
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Prolonging our energy sources is as important as finding alternatives. Changing a thing or two. Ok as for the song not a big deal. But a few things will be organized soon, in order to keep people searching for my citations I will provide a links page by tonight. Also again please look at my fellow students pages too along the right side, many of them have great ideas and projects ongoing.