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You might enjoy reading if you like to read about life in Canada, sports, travel, brain issues, books, randomness or the environment. If you can relate at all, or are curious about thoughts from a damaged brain, read on. Sunday, August 25, 2013. What to see you favourite city in the form of a challenged mental map? Wednesday, August 14, 2013.
Life is a Kitchen, where I am a Chef. On June 28, 2014. Posts that I like most. Посты, которые мне особенно нравятся. Comments Off on Nyon, Switzerland. On July 19, 2015. Switzerland does not stop fascinating by its beauty. This is how I find myself spending here more time then ever planned. China, Dali, a Beautiful Yard.
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Lunes, 21 de enero de 2008. Kurtso hasieratik egon gara bideoa igo naian, baina ezin. azkenean lortu dugu! Aitortu behar dugu bideo hau egin genuenean oraindik ez genekiela photostory erabiltzen eta windows movie makerrekin egin genuen. Orain egingo bagenun, photostoryn bitartez izango zen, bideoak hobeto gelditzen bait dira. Beno, ba muxuak eta agur! BIDEOA IKUSI AHAL IZATEKO, WEB GUNE HORRETAN KLIKATU. Lunes, enero 21, 2008.
Flat Dev 2013 was successfully done by the organizer, Mags Melaka. They have put all of their effort to make it way better than the previous year. Every riders also showed their progression in this competition and everybody seems happy to see other friends from various country. Here are some of the photos that we managed to capture during the event.
SAR GAITEZEN DENOK BATERA MUNDU BERRI HONETARA. Viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010. Sociedad de la informacion o sociedad del conocimiento? Egia da, eta denok ongi dakigu, gizartea urteekin batera asko aldatu dela. Eta aldaketa garrantzitsu bat informazioak ekarri du. Honekin batera informazioaren gizarteari buruz hitz egitera bultzatzen gaitu. Honek ikaragarrizko indarra hartu du munduan, askotan hartu beharko lukeena baino gehiago. Domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2010.