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Hubahuba loves to share his story. And nobody wants to hear it. Tuesday, June 26, 2012. Whenever things get messy, back to the this basic equation. Wednesday, November 9, 2011. How did my uncle did it? This is an inspiring story of my uncle who managed to turn a messed up department in a hospital into a well organized and the best department.
In finding of cure and living healthy life. Friday, November 30, 2012. It has been 2 years since my last post. But now, i am back. i am actually not getting better from psoriasis. I can hardly digest what Dr Pagano suggest in his book, healing Psoriasis. And i am spending more money on medication and have another doctor to observe me. It is a hard work and i am actually procrastinating over it again and again.
My 5 Years of HND. Sunday, November 14, 2010. Giving up as a strategy, not a failure. We want to win the war, not winning the battle. Monday, April 26, 2010. I want to submit an article for the college newsletter. What would it be? Friday, March 19, 2010. I never felt so happy to go to classes. Thanks to ESQ 165 for opening my eyes, my mind, and all my senses. Thanks to my father, for sending me there. Thanks to my mother, for being so patience with my attitude.
Followed by our fantastic and now famous firework display. With not just one but TWO massive 10m tall Guys. And each summer we host our Bands on the Run event. Much more than just another bonfire society! Preserving the age old Edenbridge tradition of Bonfire as an up to date night out for thousands. They will be joined by several other teams from visiting Sussex Bonfire Societies, each wearing their own.
Todas as noites finjo que morro, e todas as manhãs eu finjo que nasci de novo. Quarta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2008. Sempre vejo anunciados cursos de oratória. Nunca vi anunciado curso de escutatória. Todo mundo quer aprender a falar. Ninguém quer aprender a ouvir. Pensei em oferecer um curso de escutatória. Mas acho que ninguém vai se matricular. Cale a boca e não fale de dissonâncias. A saudade que tenho dele. Música é música e não palavras.
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