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This is in part to show friends, in part to keep as a record for my own inspiration. Than you think is going to be too small. The border, unfortunately, is a bit warped.
This blog is about my quilts, mostly the ones I have done in the past with occasional comments about current projects. Saturday, February 04, 2012. I have moved my quilt-related blogging to my new website, quiltiverse. Please wander over and visit. Sunday, April 24, 2011. My just for fun project is finished! Instead of actually resting on the seventh day,.
Most of my blogging and current authorship work is going on over at my other blog. Thursday, January 16, 2014. Has recently been posting obscure black square photos on his facebook page. It follows a rather House. Style, but time will tell if we are eventually given enough evidence to assume much of anything.
Glasgow club night, run by like-minded vagabonds. Soon to be playing more nights around Glasgow. Also we release Podcasts, so keep yer eyes open, will be re-upping the soundcloud ones to this, due to lack of soundcloud space. Monday, 1 November 2010. Will be moved to he.
Forgot Password or Username? Deviant for 7 Years. This is the place where you can personalize your profile! By moving, adding and personalizing widgets.
Onko lapsen paikka nurkassa? Laajasti ihmisen kykyyn kohdata ja käsitellä tunteita. Perheissä tämä näkyy esimerkiksi siinä, että vanhemman on vaikea erottaa omia ja lapsen tunteita ja tarpeita toisistaan. Myös yli sukupolvien siirtyvät uskomukset ja käyttäytymismallit vaikeuttavat turvallisen vanhemmuuden kehittymistä. Koko perhe sairastaa ja vaatii hoitoa. Näkee, että ilman riittävää. Vanhemmuutta ei voi olla lapsen.