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On Saturday, October 24, 2009. A node is a connection point, localised swelling or a point of intersection. Is a device that connected to a computer network. Able to send, received, forward information over a communications channel. Responsible for the information-processing resources available to the whole network of resources. Is architecture, major element of modern operating system and network de.
Sunday, October 4, 2009. A character recognition system using a special ink and characters which can be magnetised and read automatically with much greater accuracy compared to human reading or other optical character recognition systems. MICR is used almost exclusively in the banking industry where it is used to print details on cheques to enable automatic processing. A device that draws pictures on paper based on commands from a computer.
Thursday, October 22, 2009. Any device connected to a computer network. Typically computers with network software applications installed requests and sends infomation over the network. Stores files and databases including complex applications such as web sites. This device has a higher-powered central processors, more memory and lager disk drive than clients.
12290;Client is a computer and mobile devices on the network that requests resources from the server.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009. Furthermore, MICR is used almost exclusively in the banking industry where it is used to print details on exchequers to enable automatic processing.
Thursday, October 22, 2009. A modem is an example of a physical node. The HP MediaSmart Home Server. A hub is a physical device in a wired network that connects Ethernet cables from several devices together, allowing each device to communicate with the others.
A blog created for FCOMM 122. Monday, October 5, 2009. Monday, September 28, 2009. Also known as an add-on card, internal card or interface adapter, an expansion card is an electronic board or card added in a desktop computer or other non-portable computer to give that computer a new ability, such as the ability to connect to another computer using a network cable. Such examples of expansion cards are Interface cards, modem and MPEG decoder. It is a small electrity-pow.
娲 崚鍒濆紑锛屻 愯僵杈曘 戙 愯毄灏ゃ 戙 愮 鍐溿 戜笁鍒嗗ぉ涓嬶紝涓夋棌涓轰簤澶虹 宸為湼鏉冧簰鐩稿緛浼愶紝缁靛欢鎴樼伀鑰楀敖澶 湴鐏垫皵銆傝タ鏂归瓟鐜嬭秮鏈哄叆渚碉紝鑷 涓夌晫澶т贡锛屼笢鏂瑰ぉ搴? 鍓戝皧鏄 父鎴忎腑鐨勮繎鎴樿緭鍑鸿亴涓氾紝鍦ㄥ壇鏈 腑鐨勪綔鐢ㄦ槸鑲夌浘鍨嬪拰DPS锛岄 氬父璐熻矗鍚稿紩boss浠囨仺锛岄 氳繃瑁呭 纭 姉boss杈撳嚭锛屾垨鑰呴 氳繃鎷塨oss浠囨仺杩涜 璧颁綅缁欓槦鍙嬪垱閫犺緭鍑烘満浼氥? 銆婁粰渚犮 嬫硶绁炴渶澶х殑浼樼偣锛屾槸闈炲父楂樼殑杩滆窛绂籄OE杈撳嚭锛屽墠鏈熷彲浠ュ埄鐢ˋOE鎶 鑳藉緢蹇 殑鍒锋 崌绾ф姠璧勬簮锛屽苟涓斿彲浠ュ埄鐢ㄨ蛋浣嶇瓑鏀鹃 绛濇妧宸у崟鍒穊oss銆? 缇界伒姣斿墤灏婅緭鍑虹幆澧冨ソ锛屾瘮娉曠 韬 澘纭 紝鍦ㄦ父鎴忎腑鍔犱簡涓 涓 壒鍒 负缇界伒鎵撻 犵殑鎶 鑳斤紝鑳藉 鎻愰珮鑷 繁鐨勭Щ鍔ㄩ 熷害锛屽悓鏃堕檷浣庢晫浜虹殑绉诲姩閫熷害锛岃繖缁濆 鏄 竴涓 斁椋庣瓭绉 鎿嶄綔鐨勫ソ鎶 鑳姐 傚洜姝ゅ湪PK鎴樺満涓婏紝鎿嶄綔濂界殑缇界伒灏嗕細鏄 笉璐ョ殑鐜嬭 呫? 路銆婁粰渚犮 嬫暀浣犲 浣曠帺杞琍K涔嬬帇鈥斺 旀硶甯? .
This make my 2nd day of internship. Tomorrow gonna go out again. 124; Leave a comment. Posted on 04月 15, 2010.