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Thursday, July 28, 2011. Thursday, February 17, 2011. HINT HINT I AM SIZE M! You Sank My Battleship. Guide Double Pocket Roll Up Sleeve Check Shirt. Guide Roll Up Sleeve Check Shirt.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008. I seriously cant believe that there are still such irresponsible ppl on earth! You are so selfish. this is not the first time, or second time such a thing happen. Dun rely on me to help you anymore. Monday, November 24, 2008. Mummy bought an ice cream cake for me and i bouquet of flowers. Den we had pizza hut for dinner.
The way to freedom in Christ is to constantly affirm the truth. When you doubt, affirm the truth, when you struggle, affirm the truth, when you are weak, affirm the truth, when you fail, affirm the truth. Truth of God combined with mustard of faith sets us free. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
For his compassions never fail. They are new every morning;. Therefore I will wait for him. Forgot to take my journal back from camp.
When the sense of defeat sets into my life, I drift. Bit by bit, day after day, that little bit would mean several miles accumulatively! Modelling is critical in building up credible Man of God. If I had strayed and disowned God, His flocks will see and take it as an escape route when things do not go according to THEIR ways. As portrayed here, a simple slip of concentration can potentially be fatal. Surely that 5kg would weigh 50kg.
Thursday, July 15, 2010. Well first thing first, i am happily married, though i wont appreciate much if people start calling me mrs tay. im still a miss, oops, i mean, ms. If i say tampines, tampines where, since our houses are in tampines. And oh, i am so damn blardy happy that spain won the world cup! .
I pray that my life will be a testimony n help to others. i wanna commit to sharing my life as it is. Friday, January 2, 2009. its really nice! FIrst post. Yooo hoooo at last! Haha one yr or less t0 ORD. Well but 2008 its really eventful and interesting for the world and me. There was so much going on this yr.
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Cand stii ca lucrurile se vor rezolva intr-un fel sau altul, desi esti in mijlocul campului, nestiind incotro sa apuci. Miercuri, 3 iunie 2015. Sau cum o mai chema. Ramona e genul de om care ma surprinde mereu. De la ea nu stiu la ce sa ma astept. Ma surprinde, ma domina intr-un fel imposibil de explicat, ma lasa masca. Rade cu gura pana la urechi si vorbeste tare. In timp ce urca scarile imi venea sa o opresc, sa o trag si sa-i bag limba in gura. Sâmbătă, 30 mai 2015.
Przyglądała się mu, kiedy spał. Nie wie ile razy już usłyszała od niego te dwa słowa, które przybrały dla niej całkiem nowego znaczenia. 8211; spytał sennie szczerząc zęby.
Alternatywna przyszłość Młodych Tytanów oraz Bat-rodziny. 30 Im jaśniejsze światło, tym silniejszy cień. Tak to jest, gdy chcesz, aby Liga Sprawiedliwych odwalała za ciebie brudną robotę. Wiedziała, iż jest zły. Gotham było miastem, którego jej ojciec próbował unikać. Po śmierci drugiego Robina obiecał się tam nie zbliżać. Jakim sposobem światło ma być cieniem? Nie musi nim być.
Ø I L0ve aBd gHaNi. Ø I L0ve mIs aMiGoS. Ø I L0ve fC BaRcELOnA. Ø I L0ve MaDe MoRoCcO.