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This blog ,a place where I pen down my inner most thoughts ,. Share about my daily activities and express nothing but the utmost truth. Tuesday, November 8, 2011. Its been decades since i last updated this blog of mine . Well, practically busy living life to the fullest . Let me just make this quick . So, life has been full of ups and downs . Im taking my O levels this year . Im like halfway through it already . Cant wait to finish it and start partying . Im gonna have 6months of holidays .
Tuesday, June 8, 2010. There are four questions of value in life. Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for? And what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same. Alcohol, animals, children, cigarette, drugs, love, photography, piercings, sagittarius, spiderman.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010 . Hello handsome girls and pretty boys. Maybe, MAYBE, I aint using blog anymore. Using Tumblr now although I am still not used to it.
i guess? Yet boring but innfact exiciting . BUT FUCK the weather was heavily raining. but rain or no rain we continue to have fun . Hell yeah! So take care dudes and dudettes.
twenty six may nineteen nintyfour. little things makes me happy. Friday, April 9, 2010. sumpah sampai tk leyhh sumpah lagiy, ie tating. tkleyhh angs, tap i go with the flow. nga tngu tok ari i campak bende pat muker ie. Tuesday, March 9, 2010.
Yesterday paintball was totally awesome! But scary. i kene shoot so many times. it is painful after you kene and i got one red mark on my knee. my team won all the way. gerekzz! I wish i could continue to play that paintball. the price is so expensive. weeeeeee! I miss you jane! .
Demi untuk mempermudah calon Siswa SD Fullday, SMP Putra Boarding School, SMA Putra Boarding School Pondok Pesantren Hidayatullah Depok. Pendaftaran dapat dilakukan secara on line dengan mengisi formulir pendaftaran dan mencetak formulir tersebut untuk diserahkan pada waktu pendaftaran ulang.
كما وعدناكم , وكما عودناكم . ها نحن ذا نقدم لكم المفاجأه الأكبر من القوالب الرمضانية ال. القالب الرمضاني الداكن ثاني قوالب بلوجر بالعربي الحصرية كما وعدناكم , وكما عودناكم . القالب استايل أنس حسوني و تصميم الأخ سامي صاحب مدونة سامكو www. قالب شركة الثورة لخدمات التصميم. 160; قالب شركة الثورة لخدمات الويب المحدودة.
Laporan kegiatan pasca gempa Sumbar SAR Nasional Hidayatullah. Penugasan team evakuasi ke Sumbar guna melaksanakan kegiatan. Pesawat mulai meninggalkan jakarta pada Pukul 10. Sabtu, 3 Oktober 2009. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah evakuasi, yang bertempat di Gunung Tigo. Yang telah berhasil menemukan 1 korban wanita, 1 unit sepeda motor dan 1 unit handphone.
Sunday, September 26, 2010. Basically, he had been interviewed by us about his culture. Follow us to know more about him and his culture. In his religion, he have to pray in the morning and evening. One of his festival is, Pongal.