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In October 2013 I authored a piece for this blog entitled Fun With Windows 3.
We turned 3 today, and more than a lot has happened here since I started this place back on August 11, 2012. Also, lets not forget Dr. He was with us for much of 2013, and most of his posts still exist here. Tuesday, August 11, 2015.
Another note I must add is that as of now, I am only rating root beers from the glass bottle. Plastic bottles and aluminum cans have the potential to change the flavor of the root beer.
Veislubakkar og fyrirtækjaþjónusta Lemon hentar öllum sem vilja gera daginn skemmtilegri fyrir sitt fyrirtæki. Lemon býður upp á ferskustu djúsa landsins and sælkerasamlokur. En þú getur auðvitað líka fengið hollan og góðan hafragraut, ljúffeng salöt, gríska jógúrt, ávexti í boxi ofl. Kjúklingur, pesto, spínat, rautt karrý. 08-21 mán til fös, 10-21 lau og sun. Suðurlandsbraut 4, 108 Reykjavík. Laugavegur 56, 101 Reykjavík. Hjallahrauni 13, 220 Hafnarfirði.
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