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A collection of my most recent writings on various topics. Liberal Democrat points of view. Monday, March 30, 2015. Religious Perversion And Gay Rights. The bastardization of religion is an art form. Best perfected over a low-simmering pot of hatred and vile. This concoction needs to be tasted, sampled and enjoyed by others, otherwise all that work stirring the cauldron becomes a futile endeavor. While there is a Tea Party franchise that claims to be an organic mo.
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ARQUITECTURA BARROCA DO NORTE DE PORTUGAL. A arquitectura barroca do Norte de Portugal ocupa un espazo xeográfico moi cercano pero non por iso mellor coñecido. Iniciada no ámbito hispánico pronto avanzou por un camiño autónomo. O emprego do granito, un material común con Galicia, e o intercambio de artistas entre ámbalas dúas rexións, deulle certas afinidades aparentes. Este espazo trata de facer u.
Fabriqué a partir de Bouteille de gaz. Une démarche de recyclage artistique,. Symboliquement la vie de la bouteille de gaz est totale. Elle devient un objet à la source de notre créativité. Accordés au diapason de diverses gammes,.
Quick sci-fi sketch for my own sake. Postmorning state of my favorite mug. Cover illustration for an unannounced game. Sunset mood sketch with sailboat.
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