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2011 aasta tõotab tulla tihe õppimise aasta. Kohe algusest läks pauguga lahti. Kõigepealt poolelioleva Digipiltide kursuse jätkamine, seejärel kohe algav Uurimistööde vormistamise õppimisüritus Koolielus ja muidugi EVO. Seda olin ma plaaninud juba mitu aastat. SLis olen ma juba varem käinud, aga mind huvitab eriti metoodika kuidas seda keskkonda keeleõppes ära kasutada. Koolielu konkursil otsustasin osaleda just enesed.
Welcome to the Podcasting for the ESL-EFL classsroom Activities. This blog has been set up to provide an easy way to do your activities for this session and become familiar with tools that will help you create your own podcasts. From the Podcasting for the EFL-ESL classroom official blog. In the web browser address.
Here is a quick overview of the syllabus. You may click below to see the details. Enjoy the session, learn, share and have fun.
Podcasting and Podcatching for the Absolute Beginner. Workshop and presentation audience members are encouraged to participate by adding resources to these wiki pages. Also, feel free to use the discussion tabs on each page to launch threaded discussions of various related topics. Our session listed in the NECC program. Join this chat space during the presentation. Our session listed in the NECC program. Help on how to format text.
A podcast for teachers, by teachers on how to create podcasts virtually for free with ideas and samples for the classroom. Sunday, August 12, 2007. Episode 02-Free Hosting Places for Podcasts. Here are the links to websites that will give you free space to upload your podcasts. Wednesday, July 04, 2007. Podcast and post any information related to your topic. Sunday, March 18, 2007. Here is Episode 00 recorded over the phone using.
Podcasting Tips and Tricks for Profit. Free podcasting tips for your podcast. Can Podcasting Hurt You in Search Engine Rankings? March 27, 2007. Can Podcasting Hurt You in Search Engine Rankings? The short answer to this is yes and no. What does this have to do with Podcasting? There is ano.