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感謝主,讓我有一股傻勁去學人整甜品,在愈弄愈愛,愈愛愈弄的情況下,發覺自己的生活與甜點開始分不開了. Wednesday, December 28, 2005. 放假過後, 公司同事們都數說自己在假期裡如何吃得瘋狂, 大家都嚷著這幾天要好好自我節制. 怎知某某同事中午過後, 竟買了新鮮可口的Puff回來, 眾人難敵美食關, 一人一口的便吃光了整盒Puff.
Enjoy the taste and feeling of HOMEMADE! Saturday, July 08, 2006. 搬進新屋一個星期, 總算執拾得八八九九, 而餘下的一一二二便是廚房那部份. 搬來不久, 發現媒氣喉出現漏媒氣情況, 唯有要媒氣公司來換喉吧. 工程就在今天進行, 天, 原來這工程可不簡單, 又要搭棚架, 又要鑽牆, 真的沒眼看了. 其實家中雪櫃也是空空的, 幸好還有一大塊未用過的牛油及一整盒未開封的藍莓醬, 那便好好的用它們吧! 就是這樣, 新屋開爐第一炮便是用酥皮造的 藍莓酥. Tuesday, July 04, 2006. Saturday, May 20,.
每日努力寫下生活的點點滴滴, 數年後再看可能會有不同的體會! Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong. 自小已經愛吃如命, 這個習慣多年來也沒有改變 雖然我愛吃甜點 , 但我更享受的是製作的過程! Warm and Sweet Home.
Thursday, September 07, 2006. Sunday, August 13, 2006. Wednesday, August 09, 2006. Tuesday, August 08, 2006. Friday, August 04, 2006.
Sunday, January 26, 2014.
Sábado, 3 de abril de 2010. Quando o bom senso vai para o espaço transformando o escritório em cenário de vida amorosa, o risco é grande. Romance e trabalho juntos podem se tornar uma mistura explosiva com conseqüências indesejáveis. Romance e trabalho juntos podem se tornar uma mistura explosiva com conseqüências indesejáveis. Quando as emoções saem de controle e se perde a noção do bom senso, transformando o escritório em cenário de vida amorosa, o risco é grande. A manipulação anda na contramão do amor.
Well hopefully all my techno problems have gone away! I recently made this sewing roll for myself from linen and odds and ends of curtian fabric which makes the roll a little firmer than using cotton. I attached peices of fabric using ribbon and tape to a peice of calico. Saturday, 24 August 2013. Not wanting to throw anything.
Welcome to the View From Plum Cove. Located in Gloucester MA, Plum Cove is one of the more beautiful areas of Cape Ann. Here you will find some of the thoughts that come to mind as life goes on up the street from the cove. Thursday, September 17, 2009. not a bad time of year but this was such a short Summer. Traveling though NY state yesterday. Has a very interesting Blog under way. worth a stop every so often. Tuesday, July 28, 2009.