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Que es Puerto Mallarino? Puerto Mallarino es un barrio ubicado al oriente de cali el cual limita con Alfonso Lòpez, Andrès Sanin, La Playita y las orillas del Rìo Cauca. Este barrio posee una variedad de lugares que ayudan a mejorar la vida de sus habitantes. Era un corregimiento que no hacia parte de cali. Por qué es llamado puerto? Que pertenecían a jamundi.
Imagens de modelo por Goldmund.
I believe that we should actually honor the Presidents on this day.
The scribbles and doodles of Lauren Marshall. Tuesday, May 1, 2012. Now you wonder why I opened with such a statement. Well today is the day I opened up my own Etsy shop online. You can purchase any of my photography and prints of my artwork. If you would like to take a squiz, just follow this link. In light of the new Avengers movie, here is a doodle, just for you. Wednesday, April 18, 2012.