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CERN, Geneva June 27-29, 2007. How to get to CERN. This Workshop will address statistical topics relevant for LHC Physics analyses. Issues related to discovery, and the associated problems arising from systematic uncertainties, will feature prominently.
An open, loosely moderated repository for code, tools, and documents relevant to statistics in physics applications. Search and download access is universal; package submission is loosely moderated for suitability. The Phystat Repository Steering Committee. Comment on the repository site or policies. More Conferences and Workshops .
PhysTEC is an organization of over 300 institutions dedicated to improving and promoting physics teacher education. Find a PhysTEC Institution near you. California State University, Chico. California State University, Fresno.
Teaching and Learning Physics Seminar. The Crisis in Physics Education. UTA Program Details and Application. Teaching and Learning Physics Seminar. What we will do and the type of person we will become are impacted by the decisions that we make as undergraduates.
2 и 3 курс впервые. 2 и 3 курс впервые. Мы выдаем благотворительные стипендии студентам. Мы стараемся материально поддержать талантливых и малообеспеченных студентов МФТИ. Нам бы очень хотелось, чтобы студенты сосредоточились на учебе, а не подрабатывали. Поэтому каждый учебный семестр мы распределяем около 300 стипендий. В феврале мы назначим на стипендию 300 студентов. В январе мы откроем возможность подать заявление.