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El seguir o no con este. Es que me roba mucho. Preparar los post, y YouTube se empeña. 3 de julio de 2009. Acción, aventuras y espionaje, esta película nos dejó esta gran escena en la que el supuesto George. 26 de junio de 2009.
Jueves, 23 de abril de 2009. A la segona planta, dóna pas als seus experiments artístics amb pólvora i la seva obsessió amb els alienígenes.
Diumenge, 28 de desembre de 2008. Fa exactament 366 o 365 dies que vaig escriure per primer cop en aquest espai. Dimecres, 9 de juliol de 2008. Em canso de començar coses i no acabar-les. Per això fico la pausa, per que no vull tornar a abandonar. De fet ja fa temps que no publico gaire, nomès comento, per com ha anat tot plegat, suposo. Dimarts, 8 de juliol de 2008.
An ostentatious and inappropriate display of learning. Also blogging at Fistful of Euros. The Man in the White House. Tuesday, December 23, 2003. Déménagement - Verhuizing - Moved Address.
Because ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which we shall not put. Just a quick one today. Can anyone spot the difference between the two words below? Relating to one thing and not others; particular. Peaceful or helping to cause peace.
Thursday, November 29, 2007. We now eat mixture of nuts,. Dried fruits, baked tears,. To provide us extra energy. Because of our hearts that camp on trips. For the gory tales that germinates. From the land making us. We now look like the very. Fine thread made by Spider,. With very light delicate material,. Like light wings of a dragonfly. But there is still hope, there is future! Hope is what that is not seen. Where a runner reaches,. A walker shall reach too,.
Take great courses from the worlds best Trainers. Our courses are built in partnership with technology leaders and are relevant to industry needs. Education Center and distance education. Online learning can enable learning to happen in a variety of contexts, locations, and times; it allows for a transformation of curriculum and learning.
This blog is dedicated to the discussion of lingustic and other pedantry. Wednesday, May 16, 2007. Contender for the Donald-Rumsfeld Award.