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This blog is the summation of years worth of searching and spiritual prodding. The ideas may often times be wrong or misguided, and for that reason I truly appreciate the comments that will be left. Life is a journey that is meant to be taken together, and so I look forward to doing that with you in my physical and spiritual life. May Jesus guide our way in this walk of spiritual understanding. Monday, January 05, 2009. 160;Because this is the image of the love of God.
WHAT IS HEAVEN LIKE? October 12, 2012. For two weeks in October I am presenting a 2-part series called Living in the Light of Eternity. On October 14, and. Is Heaven a place where angelic beings sit on clouds strumming harps all day as the caricatures often suggest? First, Heaven is a place of tremendous creativity.
꼭 1년 반 만에 다시 글로 여러분을 만나게 되었습니다. 2018년 3월부터 대구 근교에 있는 대신대학교에서 강의합니다. 그동안 글도 올리지 못하였는데 이제 글도 올리려 합니다. Leave a comment on 새로운 출발. 마태복음 10장 34절, 내가 세상에 화평을 주러 온 줄로 생각하지 말라 화평이 아니요 검을 주러 왔노라. 예수님은 이 땅에 죄인을 구원하러 오셨다. 우리를 구원하기 위하여 십자가에 죽으시고 부활하셨다. 다시 말하면 죄, 죽음 그리고 사탄의 권세로부터 믿는 이들을 구해 내시는 예수 그리스도를 통한 하나님의 사역이다. Leave a comment on 세상에서 화평.
Reflections On The Intersect Of Faith And Life. Wednesday, April 11, 2018. It feels like I am completely lost. They try to make their experience of resurrectio.
These are the day-to-day thoughts from Pastor Jeff Lawson. I pastor a Christian and Missionary Alliance Church in Battle Lake, MN. This blog will hopefully help everyone who desires to pastor a church in a rural setting. Sunday, July 03, 2016. What we see as urgent makes God laugh. He can do the impossible in no time. We are candidating on July 16 and 17 in Auburn. It seems like the perfect fit for us. God loves us so much. Wednesday, June 29, 2016.