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If I am to shut up, who is there to speak up? Sunday, January 18, 2015. IF is a losy word. Nor can it change the past. You are from what was. You will be from what is. IF the past was different. You are not you today. IF the next step you choose not be what you chose. You will be as what you are. Not you as what IF. For IF cannot change me but me myself. Saturday, October 29, 2011. Live life as thou you are a traveler.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011. they offer themselves on my behalf.
I want to write important things. About religion, empowerment, reaching out, influencing and giving voice. Saturday, February 23, 2013. Cannot lose weight no matter what! A friend from college called me yesterday while I was on the treadmill at the gym, i picked up and we chatted about few losing weight tips. However the basic principal should be the same. Lets no go into detaile.
All Time Low - Nothing Personal. 02 Break Your Little Heart. 10 Keep The Change, You Filthy Animal. 05 Guns For Show, Knives For A Pro. 08 Feed Them To The Pigs.
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So schützen Sie Welpen und Kätzchen vor Würmern. Hurra, endlich Frühling! Nicht nur die Natur erwacht aus ihrer Winterruhe, es kommen in dieser Jahreszeit auch viele Kätzchen und Hundewelpen auf die Welt. In den ersten Lebenswochen versorgt die Mutter ihre Jungen in der Regel ganz allein und Muttermilch ist für kleine Tierkinder in dieser Zeit die beste Ernährung. Mit der Impfung legt man den Grundstein für ein sorgenfreies gesundes und langes Tierleben. Hunde gegen Zecken-übertragene Erreger schützen.