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De aproape o luna o ajut pe Ioana Ginghina, cea care a creat MiniArtShow. Ateliere si spectacole pentru copii, sa isi promoveze evenimentul aniversar.
Voluntari si distractie la BESTFEST 2008! Fac ce vreau dar stiu ce fac. Merge si anul acesta la BestFest. Si voi veti putea merge la BestFest. 2008, mai mult, veti putea avea ocazia sa fiti parte din echipa care ii aduce anul acesta la Bucuresti pe Alanis Morrisette, Nelly Furtado, Judas Priest, Cypress Hill, Unkle. Veti putea castiga experienta in organizarea de evenimente si va veti putea distra impreuna cu prietenii.
Adica am zis sa profit in sfarsit de partea data de haipa. Din premiul de la concursul bloggeri. Partea care insemna domeniu si gazduire . Asa ca va invit pe femeiasimpla.
Vineri, 4 octombrie 2013. Ce vindem la Talciocul din 12 octombrie. Mai e o saptamana pana ne reintalnim la Talciocul Urban iar talciocarii isi curata marfurile, le scot de prin dulapuri, unii creeaza intens hainute hand made sau chiar bijuterii, altii fac sucuri sanatoase, zacusti, dulceturi si pregatesc borcane. Se anunta o vreme frumoasa, asa ca poate avem noroc sa stam si in curte. Si mai avem ceva surprize pe care le anuntam saptamana viitoare. Luni, 30 septembrie 2013.
Tales from the Picture Frame Shop. Wednesday, June 22, 2011. The colour selection , not surprisingly, w.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007. One of the greatest lessons i am learning from this process of developing a craft is that every step should be observed and relished. to wash and iron and block and dye and measure and read and read again. all these things before my scissors even enter the scene. I appreciate having a willing model at the ready. I appreciate the light green tinge that my hands have today fro.
Wednesday, November 02, 2011. Info age melt down! Its like infinity to try and keep up with all the Social networking sites and passwords and linking them together to keep things under control. I am trying to have two gmail accounts to avoid too much email for family and friends verses my Art business. Facebook blocked me from my name sake Facebook account, which had over 4 thousand contacts, I feel naked with out access to this. My head is spinning in download mode! I miss those days of simplicity.