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This blog introduces you to my special brand of. I show you how to find your. Est self, access your. Nner strength, tune in to your. Iller instincts, and use your. Thursday, January 21, 2016. A baiku book in the works.
Hi, This is my first attempt at blogging. This blog will contain interesting news, jokes, interviews and my thoughts on different developments around the world. Sunday, May 20, 2012.
Create an account for free! Helping people navigate internal cultures and politics to bring change. Mike Lehr helps leaders and others navigate their internal business cultures and politics to achieve the change they want. How do we assess our mortar? How do we work with it? How do we apply it? How long do we let it cure? Mike Lehr can help. He is a change management consultant and can work as a change manager.
True voyage of discovery is not seeking new landscapes, but seeing with new eyes. Small Business Owners, Sales Professionals to C Level Executives. Think Your Greatest Limitation instead of Your Greatest Weakness. In the 21st century, the greatest limitation for those in small business will be the inability to align human capital with management.
Saturday, March 4, 2017. One in a BILLIONS glitter. I forgot how much I liked BILLIONS and what there is about it that appeals to me so much. The commitment to the overall aesthetic appeal in gifted graphic design. As disciples of Steve Jobs, who was King of aesthetic MEETS technology.
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