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Tonight I weighed in at one pound below goal. I was so excited! It always surprises me when I stand on the scales and I have lost. another pound or two! I guess I am living proof that if you follow the program for most of the days in a week, you will lose weight. My leader has asked me start helping out at my meeting starting next week. Thursday, 13 March 2008.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009. This is how we roll. WEll this has certainly been a crazy winter! We were hit with another storm yesterday, so here are some pictures and a video of my kids and my hubby enjoying the day! Well atleast the dogs enjoyed the day! Cosmo loves going with Nick, he even goes in the tractor sometimes! Nick plowing the driveway! Wednesday, January 28, 2009.
Í gærkvöldi fór ég með mínum yndislegu samstarfskonum á Anastasia Eyebrow Master Class námskeið á vegum Nola. Ég er reynslunni ríkari eftir kvöldið og veit að stelpurnar eru það líka. Við vorum hæst ánægðar með kvöldið og getum ekki hætt að tala um hvað við lærðum mikið.
Núna er einmitt akkúrat mánuður í það að opnunartími Kringlunnar og Smáralindar verði lengdur.