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First off I would like to say, no, this is not another doomsday blog. I have lived through an ice storm where we lost power for a mere 9 days. I have seen first hand the devastation of a major hurricane. I have seen what happens to people when gas gets rationed. I hope and plan to do so.
Survival Tips - The Survivalist Blog. Pertinent Links for OK and the Southwestern United States. Homegrown - This Site Rocks. Oklahoma Supreme Court Network - To be Free you need to know your rights, do all your legal research for free at this site. Oklahoma State Department of Health. Tulsa, OK General Emergency Preparedness. Tulsa Health Department Pandemic Information.
Online basic prescribed fire training is now available. Click here for the training. Improved wildlife habitat, more revenue potential for landowners, improved safety for people, livestock and property, improved hunting opportunities a winning combination for every Oklahoman! It is for these reasons that the Oklahoma Prescribed Fire Council is determined to facilitate a dramatic increase in the use of prescribed burns by private rural landowners throughout the state.
Ft Smith, Arkansas Convention Center. This preliminary pageant is for young ladies ages 3-18,. Which sends the winner in each age category to the National PRINCESS OF AMERICA Pageant in August 2-4, 2012, in Branson, Missouri. Call 417-213-1124 for details and entry information. SAVE MONEY by paying your entry fee in full upon registration, or select the easy-payment plan.