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I have a new name and a new blog. I will definitely update it. That was a lie, but there are some updates with pictures. Also, yeah, etsy shop! August 5, 2011. Cristo es mi Super Heroe.
The snow here this weekend was beautiful, and thankfully we were mostly moved into our cute new apartment. Our kitchen table that we previously thought was a little small now seems like giant furniture! An open letter to the city of Richmond, Virginia.
2014 proběhl v náhradním termínu tradiční velikonoční turnaj ve stolním tenise. Slušná účast a spousta zajímavých a vyrovnaných zápasů. Více v přiloženém článku a fotogalerii.
Vám ponúka širokú škálu služieb za skvelé ceny. V našom servise prevádzame top technológiou na trhu. V roku 2013 sme vymenili vyvažovačku, vyzúvačku a zdvihák na prezúvanie pneu. Máme bohaté skúsenosti s prezúvaním pneumatík. Naši zákazníci taktiež radi uvítali službu uskladnenia pneumatík.
I did it yesterday when you were here,. But somehow, between now and then, I forgot. What happens after closing your eyes. With your fishtank and computer,. One load of clean laundry, and. Back in the morning to find me,. Clean and lonely, still hungry,. And very, very tired. I am losing my temper like bobby pins.
Vepřové ořezy aneb večeře mých pejsků.