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Tuesday, May 6, 2014. Week one in the books! It is tradition in Bloomsday to throw your unwanted clothes at the start line in the tree to be donated! The Church that always has their bells ringing and choir singing as the race is always on a Sunday! Carrying the Flag the whole 7. 4 miles! This is a picture of the hill of all hills called Doomsday Hill. Here is another shot of the hill. Another Bloomsday tradition, the Vulture at the top of the hill to greet you! 5 mile long run.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015. Our last pictures without baby brother. Sylvia Mae is 2 years old. Waiting on 2 year molars.
Denne uken ble vårens siste runde i 4.
Teh birth of muh twinz. I can never think of anything decent. Which brings me to my other topic. His solution? Get me addicted to a.
June 1, 2008-June 16, 2008. This is Dana, the love of my life. Oh and did I mention skateboards too. His favorite activities are playing hockey, watching hockey, and trying to conceive. Saturday, July 30, 2011. Then fix it, dear Dana, dear Dana, dear Dana. Ooooh he is soooo great! Earlier in t.
Solen kommer aldrig le dig i ansiktet igen Philip! Min kära vän philip drabbades i veckan av någon form av panikångest eller så mådde han helt enkelt psykiskt dåligt. Min personliga åsikt om diverse livskriser är att så länge den inte drabbar någon utomstående så är det OK! Nu är det så att alla som på något sätt varit i kontakt med Philip den senaste tiden drabbas.