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Cardinal tracks in a sophomoric year. Jazz, experimental, contemporary in New York.
This is a tumblelog, kinda like a blog but with short-form, mixed-media posts with stuff I like. Scroll down a bit to start reading. Or a bit more to read more about me.
Monday, April 13, 2009. Noah Basketball - The begining. Basketball buddies build a computerized shot doctor. By Kevin Maney, USA TODAY. The first guy was a physicist and MBA. The second, an expert in an esoteric computer field called machine vision. The last, a rocket scientist.
Already being used by some of the top 3-point shooters in the world, Noah Basketball includes a community of athletes at every age and level. WHAT IS THE NOAH SYSTEM? Shots are tracked in real time by players and coaches logged onto our state of the art Noahlytics Data System. What Can Noah Do For You? Understand the Optimal Shooting Arc and Shot Depth. Build Muscle Memory for the Perfect Shot. Develop Players into Consistent and Confident Shooters. University of Virginia - Head Coach.