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绀煎搧鍥 喘娓犻亾閿 鍞 粡鐞? 涓夋槑涓 仈瀹 伐绋嬪挩璇 湁闄愬叕鍙? 娌欏幙鐜 畤淇 伅鏈嶅姟涓 績. 钖 叕鍙橀潻锛氱 搴忎笉璁 疄浣? 3涓 嚦鍏抽噸瑕佺殑闈 瘯闂 鐨勫洖绛旀妧宸? 姹傚姪锛氬啘琛岀殑闈 瘯鏃堕棿鍙 互淇 敼鍟婏紵. 濡備綍鎴愪负涓 鍚嶆洿浼樼 鐨勭 鐞嗚? 缁 晥鑰冩牳鈥斺 斾笁鍙 侀紶鐨勬晠浜? 鐜颁唬浼佷笟鍩硅 绠 悊鐨勫崄涓 澶ц 鍖? 濡備綍楂樻晥棰嗗 锛熷埆鎸囨尌锛屽 鐫 鍏遍福. 涓撲笟鎺掕 锛氳柂璧勫 闀胯緝蹇 殑澶у 涓撲笟. 鍦ㄨ亴鍩硅 锛屽 涔犲 闀挎椂闂磋緝閫傚疁锛? 姹傝亴闇 璀 儠娓 煍闄烽槺. 姹傝亴锛氫笉瑕佸皢钖 叕瑙嗕负鏈 閲嶈 鐨勬爣鍑? 2008 - 2018 0598瀹佸寲浜烘墠缃? 20,000 鑱屼綅鎷涜仒涓 紝闈 瘯璇勪环闅忔椂鐪嬶紝鍔犲叆瀹佸寲浜烘墠缃戯紝閬囪 鏇村ソ鐨勮嚜宸憋紒.
While much of the Internet this week was focused on escaped llamas. Figuring out what color a dress is. Or mourning the loss of SAG-AFTRA member. And Star Trek icon Leonard Nimoy. We can forget that legislation is still being pushed that would make the lives of working families worse. Whether it is the right to work policies. Pushed by the allies of Gov. And in other states like New Mexico.