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Wednesday, January 12, 2011. As a cure for the pain. Massacres conducted on local population. Occupational forces committing ethnic cleansing. In a fight over dead land. The puppets on the front line. Their ignorance is used for a lost cause. In a fight over dead land. The puppets on the front line. Their ignorance is used for a lost cause.
Information on evolution, extinction, and fossils. Wednesday, January 12, 2011. When in pain I try to find. A different plain on which to set my mind. To distract it from this downword vibe. And thereby avoid the lie. The rushing tide has no remorse. Has taken many a mind to grave. I cling to as I float. And here comes the tide. Grave and dark a dual pact.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011. Time to face my misery. And my mind flees into. I coast aside my pretty fears. And I forsake the known. I am on a trip. In search of my black throne. Can I endure the rain? Can I stand the pain? Day after day my fate tore me up inside. I need to be feed.
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