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All men desire by nature to know. Every man wants to know. What lies beyond his present mental horizon. Knowledge is that which, next to virtue,. Truly raises one person above another. There is no desire more natural. Than the desire for knowledge. We try all the ways that can lead us to it. It is good to love the unknown. A scholar has no ennui. Where the tree of knowledge is,. One of the greatest joys of man.
Is he who takes his own flesh. As material for his sculpture,. His own face and body as a canvas on which to paint,. His own thoughts and feelings as clay to be moulded. He wants all the beauty and harmony of creation to flow. And be expressed through his being. The physical body is our responsibility,. Our property to work on, change and improve. When you reach the point.
From Flowers and Their Messages. If one thinks clearly and powerfully,. One makes a mental formation. Every mental formation is an entity. Independent of its fashioner,. And tending to realise itself in the mental world. If you have made a formation with a definite aim,. Its whole life will tend to the realisation of this aim. It is emotion and will.
For the rest of my life. I want to reflect on what light is. I keep the subject constantly before me. And wait till the first dawnings open slowly,. Little by little, into a full and clear light. That from which, through which, in which. May be found all things, out of which all things come. Thus the first of everything which may be visible. In earth, in heaven, and in space is that of Light, is that Light. We are actually born out of light, you might say. I believe light is the maker of all material.
The opposite sidewalk calls to us. It is the most negative thing. To ignore the call of the sidewalk opposite. Everything has its pairs of opposites;. Like and unlike are the same;. Opposites are identical in nature,. But different in degree;. All truths are but half truths,. All paradoxes may be reconciled. There is a pair of opposites in all things;. In each thing there exists the spirit of the opposite. To know one thing,.
A symbol evolves from the interplay. Of nature and projection,. The Book of Symbols;. The symbol is neither abstract nor concrete,. Neither rational or irrational, neither real nor unreal. In which the world outside. Is a symbol of the world inside,. A symbol for our souls and our minds. In which we express inner experience.
Give me the clear blue sky over my head,. And green turf beneath my feet,. And winding road before me. I laugh, I run, I leap, I sing for joy. I begin to feel, think, and be myself again. We ought to dance with rapture. That we should be alive,. And in the flesh,. And part of the living, incarnate cosmos. The same stream of life. That runs through my veins. And dances in rhythmic measures. I just want to celebrate. And all this joy? .
Life stands before me like an eternal spring. With new and brilliant clothes. There is only the infinite passion of life. A Constant State of Birthing. To my inner perceptions,. Is constantly in a state of birthing -. Myriad possibilities, potentials, insights,. Energies and qualities are emerging daily -. And we are deeply woven into that process. As midwives, participants,. How alive are you? .
An ever-expanding collection of quotations about Light and Love and Life.
Hidden away in the inner nature of the real man is the law of his life. And some day he will discover it and consciously make use of it. He will heal himself, make himself happy and prosperous,. And will live in an entirely different world. For he will have discovered that life is from within and not from without. When a man gives his order to produce a definite result. And stands by that order it seems to have the effect. Of giving him what might be termed a second sight. According to the great law,.
Our earth is round, and, among other things,. That means that you and I can hold. Completely different points of view and both be right. The difference of our positions will show stars. In you window I cannot even imagine. Your sky may burn with light,. While mine, at the same moment,. Still, we must choose how to separately corner. The circling universe of our experience. Once chosen, our cornering will determine. Open Your Door to Truth.
I would willingly pass my life writing and re-writing the same book -. That one book every writer carries within him -. The image of his own soul. A man cannot make general observations to any extent,. On any subject, without betraying himself,. Without introducing the entire individuality,. And presenting, as in allegory,. The fundamental theme and problem of his own existence. No one can write my life. Because it has not been on the surface. The chief part of the drama is a monologue,.
Within the flower there lies a seed,. Within the seed there springs a tree,. Within the tree there spreads a wood. In the wood there burns a fire,. And in the fire there melts a stone,. Within the stone a ring of iron. Within the ring there lies an O,. Within the O there looks an eye,. In the eye there swims a sea,. And in the sea reflected sky,. And in the sky there shines the sun,. Within the sun a bird of gold. Within the bird there beats a heart,. Earth, sky and sea within an O.
대부분의 그리스도인이 기도가 하나님과의 교통 가운데 그분께 말하는 것을 의미한다는 것을 알고 있다. 그러나 말씀을 기도로 읽는 성경적 실행에 대해 알고 있는 사람들은 많지 않다. 는 성경을 하나님에 대한 기도와 찬미, 간구의 내용으로 삼는 것이다. 기도로 말씀 읽기를 통해 성경의 본질 만지기. 무엇이 성경을 다른 책과 구별되게 하는가? 기도로 말씀 읽기의 성경적 근거. 성경에 계시된 기도와 말씀의 관계. 생명 안에서의 성장을 위해 기도로 말씀 먹기. 내가 주의 말씀을 얻어 먹었사오니. 그리스도인의 기도로 말씀 읽기에 대한 간증. 마르틴 루터, 죠지 윗필드, 죠지 뮐러 등의 간증 모음.