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Natalie Hill Learning Portfolio in IT 645. This site consist of all the projects and assignments that were done this summer in IT 645. We created this post to display discussion questions and projects. 3 Why planning even more critical for distance delivery than for traditional instruction? How does planning differ between traditional and distance delivery? 1 What are the legal, social, and ethical issues arising in the Digital Age? Is the gap between people who hav.
This course will cover a variety of communication tools concerning the field of distance learning. Distinguish among the various telecommunication systems. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of asynchronous and synchronous communications in education. Describe the major components of a telecommunication system and discuss the capabilities of both compressed video and satellite technology. Overall, this course is an overview of the.
Od tvorcov Urban House a Gorila. sk Urban Space prichádza ïal ia prevádzka s názvom Urban Bistro. Te íme sa na va u náv tevu. U aj na Michalskej ulici si budete môc vychutna výberovú kávu od Green Plantation a ïal ích pra iarní, domáce koláèe, remeselné pivko od Wyvar, Hellstorck, Mikkeller, atï. Rezervácie na èísle 421 903 402 976.
Haley Duck Learning Portfolio IT 645. IT 645, Computers in Education, gave a wide exposure to various learning tools that could be integrated into the classroom to enhance student learning and participation. Not only was the information presented but the course allowed for the knowledge to be applied in creating projects using these tools.