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At Freefly, we released a small accessory that allows customers to attach their phone to their MōVI. Seeing that our product came out about the same time as the iPhone 6, we wanted to make a video that benefited from the excitement of that release. I developed the concept, wrote and directed the project. Video was shot by Brad Meier, Mike Hagadorn and Brent McDowell. Motion graphic help from Brent McDowell. Branding, Film, Writing.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009. It has Energy, National, Environment, and Economic securities. Tuesday, December 1, 2009. Created in 1979, the sugar snap pea was a product of the crossing of the English and Snow Pea.
Friday, December 11, 2009. I thought the video was very. Informational, although hard to understand just because the speaker and audience were highly intelligent so jokes, and statistics were difficult to follow. He worded things so that it was a impact on the audience, as well as keeping it comedi c. Tuesday, December 1, 2009.
Life Is An Adventure! Monday, July 13, 2015. U2 Concert June 6, 2015.
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