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This exhibition just ended, but what an amazing digital recreation of this remote region from the South of France! This beautiful multimedia installation was created by New York artist Doug Aitken. The Last Clogmaker in England.
Im finally getting some of my new designs stocked. This particular tidbit is especially wonderful. Comfy, and easy to wear, I can tell it will become a staple in my wardrobe.
Duminică, 30 septembrie 2012. Miercuri, 20 iulie 2011. Joi, 7 iulie 2011. Celor care ati copilarit in anii 90, ce v-a placut cel mai mult la acea perioada? Ce va amintiti cu nostalgie? Sacosele pot fi realizate si pe alte dimensiuni. Miercuri, 4 mai 2011. Marți, 26 octombrie 2010. A scris un articol f.
Best of Spring 2018 Couture. Best of Spring 2018 Couture. If Couture still has the power to impress the fashion lovers these days is mostly due to the exquisite fabrics and amount of craftsmenship put in each and every piece. Besides, we would like to see some modernity in these outfits and silhouettes.
2010-6-23 - монголын дизайнер олон улст. ЦОЛМАНДАХ-д! Монголынхоо хувцас загварын, дизайнеруудынхаа нэр хүндийг өргөсөн нэгэн томоохон явдал саяхан болжээ. Jean-Pierre Blanc-ийн санаачилсан Festival International de Mode et de Photographie а Hyиres нэртэй 25 дахь жилдээ зохиогдож буй шинэ залуу дизайнеруудыг гаргаж ирэх, дэмжих зорилготой хувцас загвар болон фото зургын уралдаанд Парист амьдардаг Atelier Chardon Savard in Paris сургуулийн төгсөгч Монгол бүсгүй М.
For jer som ikke ved det endnu, så har jeg fået en ny hjemmeside. Jeg har fået oprettet den nye blog på bloglovin følg linket her under hvis i vil tilmelde jer. Håber i vil synes om den nye side. Så er det sket, jeg har fået lavet en ny hjemmeside. Her er 5 personlige om mig.
Monday, March 28, 2011. This fee applies regardless of where you live or how many pieces you buy at one time. If the shipping costs less than this, I will refund the difference. Long-sleeved Babydoll top by LoH. I wore this top once or twice, and it is in mint condition.
If I was going to Burning Man this year. More on this style coming.
Opinion on just about anything, though mainly international politics. He defended it by telling. Lots of people want to do it. Needless to say, the chap has been branded a hypocrite. This episode has reignited the issue of whether interns are being exploited or not by companies and if interns should be paid a wage. The issue is a huge grey area, and nobody seem.
Saturday, October 2, 2010. Silently, a Flower Blooms. Silently, a flower blooms,. In silence it falls away;. Yet here now, at this moment, at this place. The world of the flower, the whole of. This is the talk of the flower,. The glory of eternal life is. A Zen master from the East. Thursday, September 23, 2010. Seems so sure of us. The glow, the skin. Currents swell, calm,. Linger across your eyes,. Order tossed to the wild.
Thursday, May 28, 2009. The March of Dimes was created to raise money to cure polio. Many of us remember putting those little coins into slots in cardboard cards, which once filled, were sent to the March of Dimes to help other children avoid this deadly disease. Jonas Salk created a vaccine against polio. The March of Dimes had achieved its goal, and therefore had no further reason to exist.