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Monday, 19 November 2012. The Nigerian economy used to be driven by industries and small and medium scale enterprises. But as power generation continued to drop and government policies started favouring importation of goods that could be produced locally, those enterprises seemed to be fading away with thousands of jobs lost every year. CLICK HERE FOR MORE OF DR.
Saturday, 17 November 2012. Many lives have been endangered in Nigeria as a result of the production of substandard products which have flooded the country. With little or no supervision or regulation, local producers often do what would maximize their profits, playing little attention to standards and putting lives at risk. CLICK HERE FOR MORE OF DR.
Saturday, 17 November 2012. STATE and PRESIDENTIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP AWARD. One of the ways to improve on the economy of the country is to encourage and support those who invest in the country. Doing this will spur the investors, especially those in the large scale as well as medium scale enterprises, to plough back their profits into further investments in the country. By the state governor through the same process as in the presidential award.
Saturday, 17 November 2012. Many elected officials have turned out to be an embarrassment to those who elected them without knowing much about their character. CLICK HERE FOR MORE OF DR.
Saturday, 17 November 2012. One of the major problems facing Nigeria today is that for so many years, the country has been spending much more on recurrent expenditure than capital expenditure. This means the country spends less money on developmental projects than the money spent on payment of salaries, allowances and maintenance of offices and structures of government.
Saturday, 17 November 2012. It is rather unfortunate that today, you would see a well educated professional who is completely ignorant of the provisions of the Nigerian constitution. The knowledge of the constitution should not be the exclusive preserve of lawyers, but rather should be at the finger tips of every Nigerian, whether occupying political office or not. CLICK HERE FOR MORE OF DR.
Saturday, 17 November 2012. As an extension of my prescription on State of Origin, every Nigerian shall have equal opportunities everywhere in the country. Therefore, I prescribe that anyone that resides in a locality for an onward period of five years shall be eligible to contest elections therein. CLICK HERE FOR MORE OF DR.
Saturday, 17 November 2012. For about a decade now, the recurrent expenditure of the government has taken over capital expenditure, with the government at all levels spending more money on payment of salaries and allowances than developmental projects that would have meaningful impact on the people. Their number of Aides and unnecessary allowances should also be reduced significantly. CLICK HERE FOR MORE OF DR.
Saturday, 17 November 2012. There is the need for Nigeria to break the jinx in its quest of evolving a constitution that reflects the collective wishes and aspirations of its more than 350 ethnic groups. There is also the need to reduce the power and financial strength at the centre for stronger and more responsible federating units. This way, each state will be able to develop at its own pace using its own God-given resources. CLICK HERE FOR MORE OF DR.
This is the real deal! Musical Fun For Everyone! Rock Around The Clock Productions AB. Vår affärsidé är att erbjuda upplevelser i form av konsertproduktioner inom musik, uppträdanden både live och som producerat media. Genom att bygga en bra relation med artister, samarbetspartner, kunder och dess marknad, skapar vi en bra plattform för fortsatt tillväxt.
DEMO SHOP Ware ist noch nicht bestellbar! Winterharte Fuchsie Benisser Hardy F1.
Gratis E-Book - Planungstipps für Veranstaltungen. Die DNA des Kunden entschlüsseln. Sales Profiling Seminar in Kassel, 12. Verkäufer stehen vor der Herausforderung, dass nicht jeder Kunde in gleicher Weise seine Kaufentscheidung fällt. Lernen Sie, wie Sie anhand des Sales Profiling Modells in jeder Phase eines Kauf-Entscheidungs-Prozesses auf das Kundenverhalten spezifisch eingehen können. Jetzt schnell anmelden und einen der begehrten Plätze sichern. Der Countdown läuft! Das Geheimni.