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Interaktivnu bazu članova udruge Extreme Wireless. Podaci u ovoj bazi vidljivi su isključivo Upravnom odboru udruge, a prema želji člana mogu postati vidljivi svima. Članove udruge molimo da podatke u bazi drže osvježenima i po potrebi korigiraju. xt je centralno mjesto s podacima o svim članovima udruge. Podaci se u bazu upisuju nakon predaje papirnate pristupnice. 62,50 kn za obiteljskog člana.
Interne Stranice Samo za XT članove. Online Stranice Za sve posjetioce. Pristup do portala sa net.
As, little by little, man managed to free himself from the mundane constraints of his daily routine and devote a small amount of his time to other pursuits, above and beyond those required for his basic survival. The concept of leisure had not yet become firmly established, but there was already a growing realisation that spiritual well-being could be derived from recreation and, equally, that physical well-being could be achieved through physical exercise.
007 HUNT 007 BOND ETHAN HUNT GURILLA GROUP FRIENDS. Sunday, April 5, 2009. Many of the Folder locks today are having no encryption tecnique. They just change the extension of the particular folder which is to be hideded by the software. This technique is applicable only for the folders which are seen locked by a locking picture on the specified folder.