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Saturday, May 24, 2014. Armed with this, he vaulted over a desk, sneaked behind a Firefly stamping out a cigarette butt. It was over in a snap.
The world as i see it. Tuesday, March 13, 2007. Life is like a box of chocolates,you never know what you are going to get. Its been some time since i got emotional watching a movie,the last one i guess was blood diamond featuring Di Caprio,this time its Forrest Gump. Monday, March 12, 2007.
Some thoughts down the memory lane. a really thrilling experience to climb up the winding roads up the Ponmudi. Morning, started off that afternoon, reached ponmudi. Just before sunset, stayed in a hotel there during the night, started our journey back next day, stopping at every good spot we saw and finally reached back hostel by sunday. 15 of us went to ponmudi.
Horské programy pre rozvoj osobnosti. Je organizácia založená vo Vysokých Tatrách na konci minulého storočia. Základom jej činnosti sú aktivity v dvoch oblastiach. Prvou z nich je vzdelávanie v oblasti horských športov, predovšetkým kurzy horolezectva a skialpinizmu. Druhou významnou časťou sú aktivity siahajúce od teambuildingov a iných špecializovaných tréningov až po psychoterapiu. Oslavujeme 15 výročie nášho založenia! Muraria s.
Monday, July 28, 2008. Wednesday, February 20, 2008. Wednesday, February 6, 2008. North Korea- a tinpot republic. Saturday, February 2, 2008. The boy in striped pyjmas. Tandpoint of a young child. Thursday, August 9, 2007. The comeback will seem to be a weird name for a blog. This in fact stands for my 2nd foray into the world of blogging. my earlier experince well was fun, until it lasted. however thias time i hope to maintain this as a regular dairy, including major world events! .