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Viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011. Ikt-ko ikasgaian bideo bat egin dugu ikasgelako lau pertsonek. Zuen gustukoa izatea espero dugu! Enviar por correo electrónico. Viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011. Hemen duzue gure MP3 grabazioa, ikt-en egindakoa. Espero dugu gustau izana! Enviar por correo electrónico. Lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011. Kostata, baina web orri bat sortu dugu IKT taldeko 8 ikaslek.
Viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011. IKT-rako grabatu genuen audio artxiboa. Enaitz eta Iratirekin egindako lan bat aurkeztuko dugu. Bideoz grabatu eta montatu egin dugu, errealitatea izango balitz bezala. Jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011. Martes, 5 de abril de 2011. Viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011. Horren ondoren, hosting-ak bilatzen ibili gara eta azkenean.
Sneack peek at the 13 track Wet Floor album! Wet Floors Imaginarium takes you aboard a ship through the Dead Mans Chest of Witch-Hunts, Fairy Tales and Gypsy-Pirate Gimmicks. From Rosies Soulful Vocals to Richards Classic Rock Guitar Licks, Lous Steady Groove sets the pace for an explosive and dynamic Blues-Rock album mixed with precious gems of the worlds most diverse and loved kinds of folk music. These Gypsy-Bluers are gonna shake yo fuses, so hold your ground! Released 16 January 2015.
In that quiet moment,. Veronica finally read your note. She was happy and sad all at once,. The rapture, the descent into a past she preferred to forget. Revealed in the slight shake of her hand. She was transfixed by the beauty of your signature. Randomness favours the prepared mind! She smiled. The breeze from the open window comforted her. Helped with the hotness of her skin,. With that familiar thumping of her pulse.
Εκφράζει την τέχνη, που. Πιστεύουμε ότι είναι προσιτή, καθημερινή και απολύτως αναγκαία, για να δώσει φως και χρώμα στην ζωή μας, στις χαρούμενες στιγμές μας. Είμαστε απόφοιτοι της ΕΛΕΠΑΠ που έχουμε τη θέληση, την ικανότητα και τον ενθουσιασμό να πετύχουμε την ένταξη μας.